Code of Practice 9

03300 577106

Code of Practice 9

Have you received a Code of Practice 9 letter from HMRC?

 Have you received a letter from HMRC Fraud Investigation Service stating you are being investigated under Code of Practice 9 – COP 9 or Contractual Disclosure Facility? If yes, you need to take this very seriously and contact a tax investigation specialist as soon as possible.  Code of Practice 9 investigation or Contractual Disclosure Facility has serious implications including possible imprisonment if not dealt with carefully.


What is a Code of Practice 9 Investigation?

Code of Practice 9 or COP 9 is a formal and serious investigation into serious/ organised tax fraud. It is also known as Contractual Disclosure Facility or CDF.  HMRC’s Fraud Investigation Service usually start a Code of Practice 9 or COP 9 investigation when they suspect serious tax fraud in excess of £75,000.  Under the Contractual Disclosure Facility, HMRC give you the opportunity to make a full disclosure of underpaid tax.  There is a strong chance of prosecution and imprisonment if this investigation is not handled carefully or a full disclosure is not made.  The first step is to accept that there has been undeclared tax and to provide an outline disclosure to HMRC.  If the outline disclosure is accepted, the full disclosure report is then submitted after agreeing on a timeline and approach with HMRC.  This type of investigation can go back up to 20 years.

 Call us on 0203 500 0959 to speak to a specialist for a confidential consultation about your case.


Can Churchill Tax Advisers help with your Code of Practice 9 investigation or Contractual Disclosure Facility?

We are the UK’s leading tax investigation firm specializing in Code of Practice 9 Investigations or Contractual Disclosure Facility cases with over 100 years of combined experience.  We have one of the highest success records in closing Code of Practice 9 or COP9 investigations and have helped clients from all over the UK.  We also act as consultants for a large number of accountants offering advice on Code of Practice 9 investigations.


Speak To a Code of Practice 9 specialist today

 Our team comprises of senior Ex-HMRC tax inspectors and highly qualified and experienced tax law professionals.  We have a combined experience of over 100 years in dealing with complex tax investigations.  Our wealth of experience and knowledge of tax law means that we can represent any type of tax investigation, Code of Practice 9 investigation or Contractual Disclosure Facility cases.  We can represent you during the Code of Practice 9 Investigation, negotiate with HMRC and also represent you at the First Tier Tax Tribunal and the Upper Tax Tribunal.

 We will ensure that you only pay the least amount of tax and penalties possible within the law.  We will also ensure that you are not prosecuted further by HMRC.

 Our fees are reasonable and we provide a flexible payment plan to suit your circumstances.

How we can help with Code of Practice 9 investigation and Contractual Disclosure Facility:

 Our team of highly experienced tax investigation specialists will help you by: 

  • Taking complete control of the Code of Practice 9 investigation and Contractual Disclosure Facility
  • Regularly meetings with you and your accountant
  • Making regular contact and arrange meetings with HMRC
  • Prepare the Initial Disclosure Report for HMRC
  • Agree a strategy for scope of work and timeline with HMRC
  • Advise you on best possible options under the Contractual Disclosure Facility
  • Carefully prepare and submit a Full Disclosure Report to HMRC
  • Carefully negotiate the lowest possible tax liability and penalties with HMRC
  • Agreeing a payment plan to suit your circumstances


A Code of Practice 9 investigation or an offer under Contractual Disclosure Facility can be very stressful and can seriously affect your lifestyle. Call us on 0203 500 0959 for a confidential consultation with a tax investigation specialist.

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