Code of Practice 8

03300 577 106

Code of Practice 8

Received a Code of Practice 8 letter from HMRC?

 Have you received a letter from HMRC Fraud Investigation Service stating you are being investigation under Code of Practice 8? If yes, this is a very serious tax investigation and needs to be taken seriously. You should contact a Code of Practice 8 investigation specialist as early as possible.


What is a Code of Practice 8 Investigation?

The Fraud Investigations team within HMRC issues a tax investigation under Code of Practice 8 or COP 8 when they suspect a large amount of tax has been underpaid by an individual. Code of Practice 8 investigation is used in cases where Code of Practice 9 or Contractual Disclosure Facility is not used.  Code of Practice 8 is normally issued to individuals where HMRC believe that have used a tax avoidance scheme or have deliberately under declared their income.  It can go back as far as twenty years.


Call us on 0203 500 0959 for a confidential consultation with a tax investigation specialist or Ex HMRC Tax Inspector.


Can Churchill Tax Advisers help with Code of Practice 8 investigation?

 We are one of the leading Code of Practice 8 and tax investigation specialists in the UK with over 100 years of combined experience.  We cover all types of tax investigations and have helped clients from all parts of the country.  We have a large team of highly qualified and experienced Tax Law, Advice and Investigation Specialists and ex- HMRC Senior Tax Inspectors.  We have one of the highest success records for closing tax investigations in the UK. With our detailed knowledge and experience in this field, we can represent any type of tax investigation.  As well as helping direct clients, we also provide advice to accountancy and law firms across the UK on Code of Practice tax investigations.


Speak to a Code of Practice 8 expert today for advice

 Our team of tax investigation experts will help you by: 

  • Taking complete control of the Code of Practice 8 investigation
  • Arrange meetings with you and your tax advisers or accountants
  • Act as main liaison and arrange meetings with HMRC officers
  • Agree scope of work and enquiry with HMRC in relation to the Code of Practice 8 Investigation
  • Advise you on the best strategy and options in relation to the COP 8 investigation
  • Liaise with HMRC and negotiate lowest possible tax and penalties
  • Conclude the enquiry as early as possible

 A Code of Practice 8 investigation can be extremely stressful and take over your day to day life. It is important that you appoint a tax investigation specialist as soon as possible. Call us on 0203 500 0959 for a confidential consultation with a tax investigation specialist.

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